Mosquito Control


La Pine, Oregon

What Pesticides are being used?

When we are spraying for adult mosquitoes within the City of La Pine, we utilize a product named Aqualuer® 20-20. 

What is being done for Mosquito Control

within the City of La Pine?

What is adulticiding?

Adulticiding is the use of an Ultra Low Volume (ULV), vehicle mounted sprayer to treat for adult mosquitoes using a pesticide.  Citywide ULV treatments of all 31 miles of City and County owned and/or controlled streets per treatment application with a permethrin based insecticide (Aqualuer® 20-20). (applied at 0.0035 lbs of active ingredient per acre)  

Aqualuer®  is an ultra-concentrate, water dilutable adulticide containing 20% (1.75 lbs of ai/gallon) permethrin and 20% PBO.  

Aqualuer® uses cold pressed orange oils instead of petroleum oils as a carrier.  When Aqualuer® is diluted with water, it provides a more environmentally benign formulation than traditional oil-based products. 

Weekly, citywide treatment will be conducted as scheduled with the City of La Pine; Usually Wednesday evenings.  Depending on weather and wind factors, spraying days may change or could take more than one day to complete and will be conducted on the following day, or next available weather permitting day.

Adulticiding will take place in the evenings when the treatment will be most effective against mosquitoes and have the least impact on non-targeted organisms.  Please see spraying schedule.

What is larviciding?

Larviciding it the use of a larval control material, pesticide of product, intended to control immature mosquitoes, known as larvae.  Larviciding, when done correctly, can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need for fogging.  Our intentions are to increase the larviciding operations in 2018, which in turn will reduce the number of adulticide fogging missions throughout the summer.  While not 100% effective at first, we are in hopes that residents will notice a drastic reduction in adult mosquitoes begging this summer.  The product used is Bacillus thuringiensis, with the trade name VectoLex(r) FG.

Larvae are found in standing water.  If you know of standing water, please call (541) 238-2272 or email

The City Council provides for mosquito control for the City of La Pine, funded by a mosquito control budget line.  If you live within the City of La Pine boundaries, you are already receiving mosquito abatement services.

If you live outside the City of La Pine, you can click the link below to request mosquito abatement for your property.  There is an initiative started to form a mosquito control district outside the City limits. Click here for information.

Mosquitoes grow into flying/biting adults, from larvae within the standing water of the overflowing Deschutes River, flooded fields and filled oxbows off the Deschutes River. We will continue working to help reduce the mosquitoes coming from these sources.

If you know of mosquito problem areas, please let us know and we will use that information to help fight the little beasts. 

Thank you for your understanding and patience.